Friday, 30 September 2011

It's Autumn

It's autumn time now but the weather is so good that it really is unbelievable. It's sunny, warm and still, really beautiful but more to the point, I haven't fallen by the wayside. I have not broken or given in, I have not drunk any alcohol because we don't get on together and we never will. I am grateful that I accept that as fact because there were decades that I went through, pissed, unaware of the situation or ignoring it.

I don't now, I know that I cannot cope with alcohol.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Nearly twelve weeks and feeling good

Tomorrow, at around 3.00pm, I will have been off the drink, the demon alcohol for twelve weeks and I'm pretty pleased about that. There have been difficult moments but most of the time has been okay. It will continue to get easier and easier but I won't really notice this until I sit down and think about it.

It does still annoy me to think that I was off the drink for over a year before I fell off the horse pretty badly, well, pretty badly by my thoughts. It was also quite difficult to climb back on which is a lesson in itself I suppose. Not something that I want to go through again.

I have been down to the pub in town two or three times lately and it's been good to do that. Socially it makes a big difference. I meet and talk to people, some that I know and some that I've never met before which is great, it makes you into a (relatively) normal human being.

Now, if only I can make the normal bit last awhile.