Thursday, 26 January 2012

I was in Lerwick, sober

I had to go into town today to bank a cheque. Here in Shetland I caught the 10.00 bus in, which dropped me off at about 11.00 in Lerwick. I banked the cheque and then went for a great big fried breakfast at the Harbour Café, oh, it was magic.

The bus home again was at 15.40 so to waste some time I first went to the library and then to the Co-op. I took the bag of food that I had bought down to the bus station and then - and then I went to the pub where I poured a tin of coke down my throat and finished off with a cup of coffee.

I'm pleased with myself today.

I came home both sober and happy.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

New Scientist

Found quite an interesting article in New Scientist, which talks about a substance, dihydromyricetin (DHM), that potentially stops the effects of alcohol on a persons brain, therefore stopping a person getting drunk.

This has great potential. If you have had your DHM and go down to the pub, drink a lot of alcoholic drink and don't get drunk, it is seen as possible for you then to drift away from alcohol as it will have lost its attraction.

There is a possibility there!!!

A cup of tea

Might have alcoholism inflicted on me for the rest of my life but I could swing for a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The fourth week!!!

I haven't touched alcohol for three weeks now and I've started my fourth week. I'm feeling good too but I have to admit that I would be feeling a lot better if I hadn't got pissed on New Years Day.

It was my fault, there's no-one else to blame and I have to accept that. Don't worry, I won't do time for it but I have put myself on the 2012 Challenge. I did thirteen months when I first gave up but I did fall off the horse, then it was six months but I intend to do a lot longer this time and I'll do it smiling too.

Drinking coffee and coke has never done me any harm and whisky has never done me any good so that indicates where I should be.

No excuses - no forgetting - and no falling of the horse either ;)

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Saturday night

It's Saturday night and I'm sitting, playing with the computer and happy about it too. The strongest thing that I've had to drink is a can of coke - and I've enjoyed it too.

No boozing this weekend!!!

Hopefully, none this life!!!

Thursday, 19 January 2012

The alcohol unit

Was at the alcohol unit in Lerwick, here in Shetland today. It was a good day, I always find it rewarding and helpful to go there because they understand what you're talking about, where you come from and all the rest. They don't pick on you either, they don't blame you because they understand the problem that you've got, therefore the fight that you're in. If you are ever offered help along these lines for anything similar then snap their hands off, jump at it because to be able to talk honestly about a problem like alcoholism is beneficial for you. It is also so rare to sit with someone who will have an intelligent conversation with you on a subject like this.

If you get the chance then take it - you will benefit from it!!!

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Haven't fallen off the horse

The thoughts have been in my head but as yet I haven't fallen off the horse. I'll always have these thoughts I think but as time goes by they'll get lighter and lighter, further apart.

When I run out of things to talk about then I'll let you know :))

Monday, 9 January 2012

Back in the flow!!!

At the moment it's seven and a half days since the last drink and I'm feeling pretty good about it too. I regret my fall by the wayside but I have to look at it as a lesson learnt. Next time around I should be one step forward in comparison to the last drunken episode.

As time goes by, it does get easier and as it gets easier the periods of sobriety get longer and longer.

I will die a sober alcoholic but I'll be smiling too!!!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

What happened on New Year's Day

Ah, yes, just what happened on the first day of the year?

The night of New Year's Eve I was in bed at a reasonable time, with a nice cup of tea and woke up on the first of January feeling good. I posted here and then...... and then a friend from a few doors down the road popped in to wish me a Happy New Year about 2.00pm and we had a dramn and eleven hours later I staggered off to bed - pissed as a newt.

So, I've dried out but am still a bit hung-over. Not surprising, considering what I drank my way through. Certainly nothing to be proud of though. Six months of sobriety down the pan.

Today is, in effect, day one - again.

Shit :(

Sunday, 1 January 2012

A Happy New Year to All

Firstly, I would like to wish everyone a good, sober New Year. I had a lovely, quiet New Year's Eve this time around, possibly because I chose to play with my computer while drinking Earl Grey tea throughout the evening and going to bed at about nine-thirty. What a boring old fart, eh. It worked for me though, as I live on my own and can therefore do what suits me.

It looks like Lerwick, here in Shetland, had a good New Year too, the Up Helly Aa squad keeping the fires going, good on them!!!

I hope that the year ahead, for me can remain sober as the drink and I just do not get on. I will be an alcoholic until the day that I die and there is only one way for me to deal with that - drink tea, good and strong and sweet, perfect. And remember, you're always welcome for a cuppa!!!